The expertgroup Een retail guide voor Duurzame Businessmodellen with Boer & Croon as chairman and Avanade en Microsoft as hosts, starts with the research question: How can we develop business models that result in a sustainable end-to-end value chain?

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How can we develop business models that result in a sustainable end-to-end value chain?


A retail guide for sustainable business models - realising sustainable impact in your value chain

Short summary

This expert group aims to enable its participants in realizing business ideas to improve their impact on the value chain. This expert group will develop a step-by-step approach for you as an expert to transform your business models.We strongly believe in the balance between intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship as this combines creativity and best practices in efficiency. While enabling our experts to improve their impact on the value chain, we will develop a bluepaper that will inspire thought-leadership.

This expert group is chaired by Boer & Croon (a management consultancy) and hosted by Avanade (an IT consultancy), and Microsoft (a software developer). Interested to learn how this combination will benefit the expert group? Join our journey towards a sustainable value chain for retail.

Research question

How can we develop business models that result in a sustainable end-to-end value chain?

Research clarification

Our approach to this expert group will be pragmatic. We aim to provide our experts with the tools to realise change in their expertise of the value chain. From this we obtain the best practices which will be the baseline to develop a research paper, together.

To structure our approach towards solving the research question, we will work together towards identifying sub-questions. Sub-questions that could be covered entail, but are not limited to:

  • How to evaluate and guarantee a transparent value/supply chain?
  • How to design an end-to-end process that is sustainable?
  • How can we reduce and reuse waste?
  • How can we better distribute products with a reduced impact on the environment?
  • How to reduce the impact of packaging materials?
  • What systematic changes are needed in the value chain?
  • How do we measure the success of a sustainable end-to-end value chain?

Research approach:

In April we will, together, commence on a journey where, through six physical sessions, the various parts of an end-to-end value chain will be analyzed. Through the analysis of the end-to-end value chain, we will evaluate the impact of sustainability on its specific parts. This will be done through use cases that clarify underlying developments and current challenges, we expect the use cases to be submitted by the experts and a shared effort in the writing of the thought-leadership paper.

Above all, we aim to share knowledge, enrich our network and work towards a shared vision of sustainable end-to-end chains.

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Personen in deze expertgroep


  • Angela Bos

    Angela Bos

    Industry Marketing Manager, Microsoft

  • Annelies van Doorn - Tuinman

    Annelies van Doorn - Tuinman

    Sustainability Lead, Avanade Netherlands BV

  • Karsten Mostert

    Karsten Mostert

    Client Technology Lead Retail, Microsoft

  • Bianca van der Woude

    Bianca van der Woude

    Portfolio Lead Retail & Consumer Goods, Avanade Netherlands BV

Alle 19 experts

  • Katja van Beaumont

    Katja van Beaumont

    Managing partner, Conscyo

  • Stéphanie Blokker

    Stéphanie Blokker

    Supply Chain Manager, Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt B.V.

  • Elkmar Duiveman

    Elkmar Duiveman

    Adviseur, Qibiq

  • Pieter Ettes

    Pieter Ettes

    Enterprise Architect, Achmea

  • Marja Exalto

    Marja Exalto

    Hoofddocent, Hogeschool Utrecht afstudeerichting e-SCM Maturity

  • Joost Kempe

    Joost Kempe

    Customer Success Manager, Returnless

  • Robert Milder

    Robert Milder

    Circular & Innovative Engineer CEO Designer, Van de Sant

  • Martijn Moerkerk

    Martijn Moerkerk

    Partner Strategy & Execution, BoerCroon

  • Raymond Onink

    Raymond Onink

    Adviseur Zakelijke markt, Stichting OPEN

  • Rick van Rath

    Rick van Rath


  • Lonneke van Schaik

    Lonneke van Schaik

    Supply Chain Development Manager, Plus Retail B.V.

  • Christian Seidl

    Christian Seidl

    Head of CX Strategy Northern Europe at Merkle, Merkle Nederland

  • Leander van der Stoep

    Leander van der Stoep

    Head of Shipping & Delivery,

  • Manon van Til

    Manon van Til

    Manager Merk & Inspiratie, Dille & Kamille

  • Roeland Vervloet

    Roeland Vervloet

    Sustainability Specialist, Decathlon

  • Jaap Westland

    Jaap Westland

    MVO specialist, Beter Bed B.V.

  • Hannah de Wilde

    Hannah de Wilde

    Manager Operational Support, Ahold Delhaize

  • Wouter de Wolf

    Wouter de Wolf

    Marketing Manager B2B Benelux, Signify International B.V.

  • Danielle van der Zon

    Danielle van der Zon

    Beleidsadviseur, Centraal Bureau Drogisterijbedrijven


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